ON ‘N’ OFF featuring Cory Wong
ON ‘N’ OFF featuring Cory Wong -F IS FOR FENDER STYLE BOOK 2024SS-
アーティストやクリエイターの”オン”と”オフ”をファッションで表現する新シリーズがスタート。2023年にローンチしたフェンダー初のアパレルブランド「F IS FOR FENDER」が提案するスタイルとともにお楽しみください。

ジャケット ¥59,400、インナー ¥33,000、パンツ ¥39,600/F IS FOR FENDER(エフ イズ フォー フェンダー) ギター ¥357,500/Fender(フェンダー)
When I’m “ON”, I like to make sure I have clothes that look fashionable and cool, but also feel really comfortable and give me the ability to move comfortably. In my band, we usually wear a wardrobe that is coordinated. I’m always the one to style/design the look for the band; so when I’m thinking about the concept for a particular tour, I want to consider what I feel will look good on stage given the makeup of the band. What I mean by that is…my band is made up of people from a variety of ages, so I want to make sure the style feels universally “cool” for any age group.

Tシャツ ¥14,850、シャツ ¥29,700、パンツ ¥37,400/F IS FOR FENDER(エフ イズ フォー フェンダー)
When I’m “OFF”, I still like to feel good and stylish in the clothing I wear, but also quite comfortable. What I wear around the house and to the gym is more “athleisure”, but when I’m out around town I like to have more of a streetwear vibe. Lately I’ve been enjoying looser fitting clothes that I can move in, but nothing too big where I feel like I’m swimming in it!
“F IS FOR FENDER”のコレクションはとてもクールだね。というのも、音楽ブランドがスタイリッシュで素晴らしいウェアを作るために、デザイナーとこれほど深く関わることを見たことがないんだ。優れたデザインだけでなく、デザインの裏に意図も感じられる。Beach Boysといった歴代の象徴的なバンドにインスパイアされた服もあれば、Fenderのツイードアンプのデザインをベースにしたものもある。また、このような良いデザインの服にアイコニックなギターの名前を見るのことができるのも楽しいね!
The “F is For Fender” clothing line is so cool because I’ve never seen a music brand choose to go in so deep with a designer to make great and stylish clothing. The clothing is very well designed, but it also has a lot of intentionality to it. There’s clothing that gives a nod to iconic bands of the past (Beach Boys), and there’s things that nod at things like the Fender Tweed amp design. It’s also fun to see the names of iconic guitars on such well designed clothes!